Significations of highest and lowest degree Planets

You may anticipate the chart without looking at the conjunctions if you use the degree method in Astrology. You are naturally endowed with the Karak Tattva (significations) of the planet with the highest degree. This planet's significance will be felt in your personality as well as your Karma. This is not based on Jaimini karakas.

For example, if Jupiter is the highest degree planet in the birth chart, it indicates that these individuals have inherent abilities to provide counseling, consultations, and other such services. These individuals are natural teachers. Whichever house Jupiter is occupying, there will be a natural interest and Karma building up naturally.

However, if Jupiter becomes the lowest-degree planet, there is an issue with the house in which it is located. The planet with the lowest degree represents the things you've overlooked, while the planet with the highest degree represents the things you've mastered. In this birth, you have to serve this planet. If Jupiter or the 5th Lord is the lowest degree planet, you must serve your child, as in the case of special children. There will be losses due to the lowest degree planet.

When Jupiter is in the ninth house at its lowest degree, it might cause losses through Gurus if the person becomes emotionally connected to the Guru. Such a person will seek out Gurus and serve them, yet there will be losses as a result of this. There is a condition with the highest degree planet. If the planet holding the highest degree in the birth chart, for example, Jupiter is retrograde or with Rahu then in such cases, the person will find a Guru but will not be benefitted from that.

People having Jupiter as the lowest degree planet will have problems related to stomach, diabetes, etc as it is the weak point of the native.

If Mars holds the lowest degree in the birth chart then due to your younger sibling or your husband there will be losses and you have to bear that loss to serve that planet. There will be an emotional attachment to the planet holding the lowest degree.

If Mars is the highest-degree planet, it is possible that you have a lot of Mars energy in you. You could be working with lands, buildings, or properties, for example. You might also work in the Army, police, or other similar industries. Women with Mars at the apex of their natal chart have been shown to be lucky for their spouses and siblings. She will be commanding in nature and will improve other people. The status of her spouse will change when she marries. Now, if Mars is at its lowest degree in a woman's chart, she will do a lot for her brothers, spouses, and so on, but there will be losses.

When Mars is at its highest degree in the birth chart in conjunction with Rahu, the person may not be able to profit from the Martial energy. Such a person may own property or land, but it is possible that their value has fallen or they have decreased.

Wherever the planet with the lowest degree in the birth chart is located, the person will carry the karmic baggage of that planet.

If Saturn is your lowest-degree planet and is in the 10th house, it will motivate you to give selflessly to others. This Saturn will cause you to tumble from a high position in your field, but if it is the highest-degree planet, the individual will have duties and will be the oldest in the house. Maturity comes to these people early. In the native, there may also be lethargy and procrastination. There will be the prominence of Saturn in the personality of the native. He might be making decisions like the elders. Saturn is also associated with limitations and melancholy, therefore these characteristics may be present in the native.

If the eighth lord has the highest degree in the birth chart, the native is a natural researcher. He is curious about things and has the ability to think critically. Striving for knowledge is a natural characteristic of these people.

If the planet holding the lowest degree in your chart becomes the highest degree in the chart of your spouse then you will be doing a lot for your spouse and the spouse will command. You will have to make sacrifices for your spouse related to the significance of that planet.

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