Rising of Rashis

Some Rashis rise with their head. They are called Seershodaya Rashi (Head rise). some rise with their feet. They are called Prishthodaya Rashi (Feet rise).
1. Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius are Sheershodaya Rashis.
2. Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn are Prishthodaya Rashis.
3. Pisces rises with both its head and feet.
It has been seen that planets that rise from their head give results in the first half of their Dasas and planets that rise from their feet gives their results in the second half of their Dasas.

Seershodaya signs develop tremendous intensity during the day, Ubhayodaya signs both during day and night, and Prishtodaya signs during the night, according to Parasara Jataka. Riksha Sandhi is the name given to the last Navamsas of Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio ( or critical junctions of certain signs).

According to Hora Ratnam

The 12 signs are categorised as follows:
1. Seershodaya (rising with the head), Prishtodaya (raising with the back), and Ubhayodaya (rising with both back and head). Speculum 8 depicts these three classes for simple understanding.
2. According to speculum 9, which is detailed in the following verses, signs are either malefic or benevolent in character.
3. The sex of the signs is described in the following passages, which are depicted in speculum 9. Keep in mind that all masculine indications are negative, while all feminine ones are positive.
4. As demonstrated in speculum 10, signs are mobile, fixed (or immovable), and common (dual or double-bodied).

A person born in Riksha Sandhi or at key intersections of certain signs (as described in the previous verse) will not live long, will bring troubles for the mother, and will ruin the family lineage. If he lives (due to other favourable circumstances), he will be a powerful emperor with numerous elephants and horses (i.e: royal paraphernalia). Saravali holds this viewpoint.

Cancer was omitted from the watery signs by Varaha Mihira, who categorised it as an insect sign. He had also noticed Aquarius as a watery sign rather than a bipedal sign. These are erroneous since, according to Yavanesvara's words, Cancer is a watery sign, whereas Aquarius is a bipedal sign. Aquarius and Cancer are explicitly stated as a biped and watery signs in sage Garga's aphorisms, such as "Nriyuktula Ghatah Kanya" (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, and Virgo being biped signs).

Aquarius is a man (i.e. biped) carrying an empty pot on his shoulder, while Cancer is a watery sign, according to the Sun God. These have all been declared with confidence.

Gemini, Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, and the first part of Sagittarius have been classified as biped signs in the Parasara Jataka. Cancer and Aquarius are both aquatic and bipedal signs, as may be seen from this.

Bala Bhadra's opinions, which are based on the authority of Parasara, Surya, Deva Kirti, Satyacharya, and Yavana, are intended to clarify that VarahaMihira's exclusion of Cancer and Aquarius from watery and biped signs, respectively, is wrong. Speculum 5 depicts sage Parasara's classification of signs as a biped (or human), quadruped, and so on. However, the fact that a sign is centipede and footless is ignored when determining its directional strength. The aquatic and insect natures of these signals come into play at that moment of assessment, as demonstrated in the ensuing verses.

According to sage Garga: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, and the first part of Sagittarius, which are bipedal or human signs, are powerful in the ascendant (i.e. when in the east). The watery signs of Cancer, Pisces, and the second half of Capricorn are particularly strong when they are in the fourth house, i.e. in the north. Scorpio, the (one) bug sign, is powerful when placed in the 7th house, or west. When the 10th, i.e. the south, the quadruped signs, i.e. Aries, Taurus, Leo, the second half of Sagittarius, and the first half of Capricorn, are powerful.

In terms of directional strength for signs, Cancer, Pisces, and the second part of Capricorn are aquatic signs, whereas Scorpio is an insect sign. This type of analysis will be helpful in determining the strength of houses and other entities that make up Shadbala, or six-source strength. For all intents and purposes, "strong" does not imply "strength" in this situation. These are only for assigning precise power ratings to a Bhava.

A horoscope contains four fundamental directions, each of which is strong in its own way. In speculum 6, they are depicted. It is now explained how to put this information to use. If the ascendant, which is the horoscope's eastern orientation, is in a biped sign, it is given a predetermined strength. When the 4th house (northern orientation) is conjunct with a watery sign, it gains power. In the same way, the 7th and 10th numbers in an insect or quadruped sign gain prescribed power.

Rising Sign