1.Star Guide to Predictive Astrology by K.B.Parsai
A collection of three books, this book provides a basic introduction to astrology, explains the factors to consider before making estimates under every twelve houses on the birth map, and shows the impact of each planet, including its relationship to other planets, in human life. Abundant with examples, personal observations, and countless experiences, this book provides astronomy students and professionals with the technical aspects of astrology in plain language.
2.How to Judge a Horoscope by B.V.Raman
How to Judge a Horoscope is a move away from the conventional astrology treatment method. It is a study about using Horoscope in the daily life of every man. The two-volume work is divided into twelve houses, each in consecutive order containing six.
3.Fundamentals of Astrology by M.Ramkrishna.Bhat
This book not only rationalizes astrology but also gives a spiritual bias to astrology, the nature and structure of the true knowledge our ancestors had about the unpredictable impact of planets on humans. The book takes the reader step by step through the counting of the constellations of the zodiac, the twelve signs, the range of planets, the rise of the natal chart, and other houses. Reading the bright and dark aspects of the subject's life, the chances of success and failure, their periods, entering into other worlds according to its ritual, into the coil and departure of the human form and its departure. This book is an attempt to give a better description of astrology, with the aim of making the reader a better astrologer.
4.Lagna Darshan Part(I-II-III-IV) by Pandit Krishna Ashant in Hindi
Lagna Darshan is a detailed work in the placement of Planets in different houses in different Ascendants. This book comes in four Parts.
Part I: Aries, Taurus, Gemini Ascendants
Part II: Cancer, Leo, Virgo Ascendants
Part III: Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarrus Ascendants
Part IV: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces Ascendants
This book describes about the conjunction of Ascendant lord with different planets and their placements in different houses.
5.Sachitra Jyotish Shiksha by Motilal Banarasidass
This is also a great book to learn astrology. This book covers most of the topics of astrology from beginner level to advanced level and can help in developing the concepts of astrology. It also comes in sets each covering a different aspect of Astrology.
6.My Experiences in Astrology by B.V.Raman
My Experience in Astrology is an autobiography of sorts by Dr. B. V. Raman, a well-renowned astrologer of his time. It contains a collection of his articles that were earlier published in The Astrological Magazine. Also published under another title, this book encapsulates the life-time astrological experiences of Dr. Raman. It is full of real-life predictions, Jyotish encounters, insights into the progress of Vedic Astrology, etc. It also delves into Astro-numerology, Western astrology, predictions concerning the second world war, and various other anecdotes. Further, the book brings to light many effects of planetary aspects on the world s fortunes, apart from mere individual fortunes. All of these topics make it an interesting read for the followers of astrology and Dr. B. V. Raman.
7.Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions
Puranas are Vedic Dharma pillars comprising Shruti, Smriti, and Purana. The Shiva Maha Purana is one of the eighteen Mahapuraras. This myth of comparative size is mainly a religious voice, dedicated primarily to the glory, forms, and significance of Lord Shiva. Some of the deities that once appeared on the Indian religious horizon have not lost their prominence and remain here till the present time facing all political, religious, and other hardships. Lord Shiva belongs to this category and he is the most prominent of all the gods originating from ancient scriptures. The Siva Purana consists of seven Samhitas - (i) Vidyeswara Samhita, (ii) Rudra Samhita, (iii) Shaktiya Samhita, (iv) Monkey Rudra Samhita, (v) Uma Samhita, (vi) Kailasa Samhita, (vii) Vaivya Samhita. When this English version of the Shiva Purana emerges as a new element to link the major events to one another, the available archaeological evidence depicts the length and breadth of the kingdom associated with the gods and goddesses mentioned in these myths, making it a unique character.
Ayurveda Sastra represents the healing branch of yoga science and Vedic astrology gives an understanding of time and ritual. Ayurvedic astrology teaches the interface of these two extraordinary systems in Healing's Vedic Astrology. This book describes how the different mind-body and planetary types of the two systems interact. It examines pathogens from an astrological perspective and goes deeper into astrological remedies, especially gem therapy. It also contains some very important example charts. 8.Ayurvedic Astrology: Self-healing Through the Stars by David Frawley
9.Mundane Astrology by K.B.Gopalkrishnan
This book is helpful for any astrologer who wants to get into Mundane astrology. The principles are simple and easy to understand. The examples and maps provided in the book make it understandable to anyone. The book contains basic principles of Mundane astrology, with explanations and examples that anyone with basic astrological knowledge can understand. Shri KB Gopalakrishnan has included many areas, such as election analysis, forecasting, sworn-in analysis, chart-to-person analysis, war references, Sensex forecasts, sports forecasts, and natural disaster forecasts. No book has yet provided a clear cut format to give estimates. This book puts it all in one pack.
10.Planets in the Signs and Houses: v. 2: Vedic Astrologer's Handbook by Bepin Behari
The book follows the foundations of basic Vedic astrology and examines questions such as the various symbols and possible impulses for the creation of planets in natal chart houses. The author reads this very well and avoids centuries of ambiguity to provide and underline clear and effective science with a deep psychological background.