Every division's governing deities play a crucial role in prediction, the secret to which is found in the Punanic mythology.In Brihat Parasar Hora Sastra, Sage Parasar Says:
राशीन् विहाय खेटस्य विनमंशाधमहत् ।
शेषं सैकं च तद्राशेर्à¤à¤ªाः षष्ट्यशपाः स्मृताः ॥३३॥
घोरश्च राक्षशो देवः कुबेरो यक्ष-किनरौ ।
à¤्रष्टःकुलम्रो गरलो वह्निर्माया पुरीषक: ॥३४॥
अपाम्पतिर्मरुत्वांश्च कालः सर्पामृतेन्दुकाः ।
कोमल-हेरम्ब-ब्रह्म-विष्णु-महेश्वराः ॥३५॥
देवादौ कलिनाशश्च क्षितीश-कमलाकरौ।
गुलिको मृत्युकालश्च दावाग्निोर संजकः ॥३६॥
यमश्च कण्टकसुधाऽमृतौ पूर्णनिशाकरः ।
विषदग्धकुलान्तश्च मुख्यो वंशक्षयस्तथा ॥३à¥॥
उत्पातकालसौम्याख्याः कोमलः शीतलाà¤िधः ।
करालदंष्टचन्द्रास्यौ प्रवीणः कालपावकः ॥३८॥
दण्डà¤ूनिर्मलः सौम्यः कूरोऽतिशीतलोऽमृतः ।
पयोधिà¤्रमणाख्यौ च चन्द्ररेखा त्वयुग्पपः ॥३९॥
समे à¤े व्यत्ययाज्ञेयाः षष्ट्यंशेशाः प्रकीर्तिताः ।
षष्ट्यंशस्वामिनस्त्वांजे तदीशाद व्यत्ययः समे ॥४०॥
शुà¤à¤·à¤·्टयंशसंयुक्ता ग्रहाः शुà¤à¤«à¤²à¤ª्रदाः ।
कृरषटयंशसंयुक्ता नाशयन्ति खचारिणः ॥४१॥
Meaning: To calculate the Shastiamsa occupies by a planet, the sign position of that planet in Shastiamsa is ignored. Then the degrees covered by the Planet in that particular sign are multiplied by two and the degree achieved is then divided by 12 and one is added to the remainder. The number thus obtained is the sign from the sign whose Shastiamsa is to be known and the Lord of that Sign is the Shastiamsa Lord.
The names of Shastiamshas in odd signs are:
Ghora, Rakshasa, Deva, Kubera, Yaksha, Kinnara, Bharashta, Kulaghna, Garala, Vahni, Maya,Purishaka, Apampathi, Marut, Kaala, Sarpa, Amrita, lndu, Mridu,Komala, Heramba, Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara, Deva, Ardra,Kalinasa, Kshitishwara, Kamalakara, Gulika, Mrithyu, Kaala, Davagani, Ghera, Yama, Kantaka, Sudha, Amrita, Poornachandra, Vishadagdha, Kulanasa, Vamsa Kshaya,Utpata, Kaala, Saumaya, Komala, Sheetala, Karaladamshtra, Chandramukhi, Praveena, Kala Pavaka, Dandayudha, Nirmala, Saumya, Kroora, Ati Sheetala, Amrita, Payodhi, Bhramana and Chandralekha.
In even signs:
Chandrelekha, Bhramana, etc. in reverse order are the presiding deities by auspicious Shashtiamsas. Auspicious Shashtiamsas occupied signs bring positive or auspicious results, while inauspicious Shashtiamsas occupy signs cause sufferings.
The Shashtiamshas' presiding deities are either benefics or malefics, depending on their designations or titles.
The following are the beneficial Shastiamshas:
3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,23, 24,25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 37,38, 39, 45, 46,49, 50, 53, 54,56, 57, 58, and 60. Rest all the others are negative.
An example to show how to calculate the Shastiamsa chart (D-60 Chart)
Shashtiamsha is the 60th division of a sign and its value is 30'. Simple Arithmetic is required to ascertain Shashtiamsha. Suppose the Sun's position is 2 s - 26° - 31' - 54". To know the Shashtiamsha, the sign position is ignored. Thus here 2 is ignored.
The remainder 26° - 31' - 54" is multiplied by 2. (26° - 31' - 54") 2 = 53° - 3' - 48". Ignoring Kala (minute) and Vikala (Second) the degrees are divided by 12.53 + 12. The remainder after dividing is added to one 5 + 1 =6. As the Sun's position is in Gemini, 6 signs from Gemini are to be counted. It gives the sign Scorpio. Therefore, the Shashtiamsha in this horoscope will be Scorpio whose Lord is Mars. This is how the Shastiamsa Chart (D-60 Chart) is calculated.
Table of Shastiamsa Deities (D-60 Deities)
Shastiamsa Deities | Meaning | Nature | Odd Sign | Even Sign |
1. Ghora | Awful, Violent | Malefic | 0°-0°30' | 29°30'-30° |
2. Rakshasha | Demonical | Malefic | 0°30'-1° | 29°-29°30' |
3. Deva | The divine | Benefic | 1°-1°30' | 28°30-29° |
4. Kubera | The Celestial treasurer | Benefic | 1°30'-2° | 28°-28°30' |
5. Yaksha | The Celestial Singer | Benefic | 2°-2°30' | 27°30'-28° |
6. Kinnara | Mythical being with a human head in the form of a horse, a bad or deformed man |
Benefic | 2°30'-3° | 27°-27°30' |
7. Bhrasta | Fallen, Corrupt | Malefic | 3°-3°30' | 26°30'-27° |
8. Kulaghna | One who destroys a family | Malefic | 3°30'-4° | 26°-26°30' |
9. Garala | Venom | Malefic | 4°-4°30' | 25°30'-26° |
10. Vahni | Fire, Gastric fluids, digestive system | Malefic | 4°30'-5° | 25°-25°30' |
11. Maya | Deceitful | Malefic | 5°-5°30' | 24°30'-25° |
12. Purishaka | Dirt | Malefic | 5°30'-6° | 24°-24°30' |
13. Apampathi | The Ocean, Varuna (God of the Ocean) | Benefic | 6°-6°30' | 23°30'-24° |
14. Marut | The Wind God | Benefic | 6°30'-7° | 23°-23°30' |
15. Kaala | Dark blue colour, weather, the time considered as one of the nine dravyas by the Vaiseshikas, a person who distils and sells liquor, Saturn, Shiva, a personification of the destructive principle |
Malefic | 7°-7°30' | 22°30'-23° |
16. Sarpa | Snake | Malefic | 7°30'-8° | 22°-22°30' |
17. Amrita | Nectar | Benefic | 8°-8°30' | 21°30-22° |
18. Indu | Moon, Camphor | Benefic | 8°30'-9° | 21°-21°30' |
19. Mridu | Soft | Benefic | 9°-9°30' | 20°30'-21° |
20. Komala | Tender, Agreeable | Benefic | 9°30'-10° | 20°-20°30' |
21. Heramba | Lord Ganesha, a boastful hero, buffalo | Benefic | 10°-10°30' | 19°30'-20° |
22. Brahma | The Universal Father, Brahmastra, sacred knowledge |
Benefic | 10°30'-11° | 19°-19°30' |
23. Vishnu | Lord Vishnu, the preserver, pious man | Benefic | 11°-11°30' | 18°30'-19° |
24. Maheswara | The third deity of triad entrusted with the task of great destruction |
Benefic | 11°30'-12° | 18°-18°30' |
25. Deva | The Divine personality | Benefic | 12°-12°30' | 17°30'-18° |
26. Ardra | Moist | Benefic | 12°30'-13° | 17°-17°30' |
27. Kalinasa | Destruction of strife | Benefic | 13°-13°30' | 16°30'-17° |
28. Kshitesha | Ruler of the earth | Benefic | 13°30'-14° | 16°-16°30' |
29. Kaamalakara | A Lake full of lotuses, an assemblage of lotuses |
Benefic | 14°-14°30' | 15°30'-16° |
30. Gulika | Saturn’s son | Malefic | 14°30'-15° | 15°-15°30' |
31. Mrityu | Son of Mars, death | Malefic | 15°-15°30' | 14°30'-15° |
32. Kaala | One form of Shiva | Malefic | 15°30'-16° | 14°-14°30' |
33. Davagani | A forest conflagration | Malefic | 16°-16°30' | 13°30'-14° |
34. Ghora | Extreme | Malefic | 16°30'-17° | 13°-13°30' |
35. Yama | Personification of death | Malefic | 17°-17°30' | 12°30'-13° |
36. Kantaka | Thorn, Enemy of the state of order and Government |
Malefic | 17°30'-18° | 12°-12°30' |
37. Sudha | Nectar, Ambrosia, Name of Ganges | Benefic | 18°-18°30' | 11°30'-12° |
38. Amrita | Nectar | Benefic | 18°30'-19° | 11°-11°30' |
39. Poornachandra | The Full Moon | Benefic | 19°-19°30' | 10°30'-11° |
40. Vishadagdha | Destroyed by venom, great grief | Malefic | 19°30'-20° | 10°-10°30' |
41. Kulanasha | A destroyer of his family | Malefic | 20°-20°30' | 9°30'-10° |
42. Vamsakshya | Descent not growing further | Malefic | 20°30'-21° | 9°-9°30' |
43. Utpata | An inauspicious event, calamity like earthquake, eclipse, etc. |
Malefic | 21°-21°30' | 8°30'-9° |
44. Kaala | Mahakaal, One form of Shiva, Saturn | Malefic | 21°30'-22° | 8°-8°30' |
45. Saumya | Auspicious, related to the moon, calm, handsome |
Benefic | 22°-22°30' | 7°30'-8° |
46. Koomala | Tender, Agreeable | Benefic | 22°30'-23° | 7°-7°30' |
47. Seetala | Cold, Moon, Camphor, turpentine, sandal |
Benefic | 23°-23°30' | 6°30'-7° |
48. Karaladamshtra | frightful teeth | Malefic | 23°30'-24° | 6°-6°30' |
49. Chandramukhi | Having the beauty of Moon | Benefic | 24°-24°30' | 5°30'-6° |
50. Praveena | Clever, Well versed | Benefic | 24°30'-25° | 5°-5°30' |
51. Kala Pavaka | The destructive fire at the end of the world |
Malefic | 25°-25°30' | 4°30'-5° |
52. Dandayudha | The staff held by an ascetic or Brahmin | Malefic | 25°30'-26° | 4°-4°30' |
53. Nirmala | Virtuous, Magnificient, Sinless | Benefic | 26°-26°30' | 3°30'-4° |
54. Saumya | Auspicious, related to Moon, Calm, Handsome |
Benefic | 26°30'-27° | 3°-3°30' |
55. Kroora | Pitiless, Mischievous, terrible | Malefic | 27°-27°30' | 2°30'-3° |
56. Atiseetala | Very Cold | Benefic | 2°-2°30' | 2°-2°30' |
57. Amrita | The divine nectar | Benefic | 28°-28°30' | 1°30'-2° |
58. Payodhi | Ocean | Benefic | 28°30'-29° | 1°-1°30' |
59. Bhramana | Wandering | Malefic | 29°-29°30' | 0°30'-1° |
60. Chandra Rekha | The streak of Moon | Benefic | 29°30'-30° | 0°-0°30' |
While predicting the results of planets in different houses we never actually pay attention to the Shastiamsa Deities, which is the biggest mistake. Planets occupy different Shastiamsa Deities depending upon your Karma in the past lives.
You may have strong Raj Yog in the chart or exalted planets, but the Shastiamsa that they occupy plays a vital role. If they are placed in Malefic Shastiamsa then definitely they will bring troubles for you. The classical texts of Astrology such as Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Sarvarta Chintamani, and Jataka Tattva have named Shastiamsa deities, but there are some variations in name and order.
The nature of the deities, Saumya (benefic) or Krura (malefic), is the first thing we need to see before predicting. It is said that the Planets, which occupies Saumya (benefic) Shastiamsa, give auspicious results, and the Planets, which occupies Krura Shastiamsa, give ominous results.
You can also find characteristics of Shastiamsa Deities in Phaldeepika but when it comes to the meaning of their names and prediction you will find very limited information in Phaladeepika. In Brihat Parasar Hora Shastra, some indications about planets in various Shastiamsa have been given which can give a direction to predict using these Deities.
I have used the information given in Brihat Parasar Hora Shastra to calculate Shastiamsa Deities. I request you to test the different variations given in various classics of Astrology.
You will find a person who has done a lot of good deeds or comes from a lineage where their ancestors have done lots of good deeds having planets in benefic Shastiamsas.
I have used the information given in Brihat Parasar Hora Shastra to calculate Shastiamsa Deities. I request you to test the different variations given in various classics of Astrology.
You will find a person who has done a lot of good deeds or comes from a lineage where their ancestors have done lots of good deeds having planets in benefic Shastiamsas.
Description of different Shastiamsa Deities
It is said that even an evil planet in your horoscope may lose its ability to produce negative effects if it is placed in a good Shastiamsa whereas an exalted planet or the lord of 9th or 5th can produce harmful effects if they occupy evil Deities, but it is not true always and as a result, you can often make mistakes if you predict just by looking at the Shastiamsa Deities as in some cases malefic planet in benefic Shastiamsa can give very bad results. For example, in the chart of a criminal, a malefic planet in Brahma Shastiamsa, which is known as a beneficial Shastiamsa can give Knowledge related to committing crime through various means.
Sage Parasar gives great importance to the Shastiamsa chart and considers it to be the ultimate chart but before using this chart a complete analysis of the birth and the Navamsa chart is required. One should not predict just by looking at the Shastiamsa Deities as it will only lead you to wrong predictions. Before using this chart proper knowledge in the field of Astrology and stories behind different Shastiamsa Deities is very essential for using this chart. The concept of Shastiamsa is itself very advanced and can easily deceive any beginner in Astrology. You may skip this chart if you are not having a good grip on the basics of Astrology.
Stories of different Deities and prediction using these Deities (D-60 Devatas)
The Rakshasas are the resource scavengers. The person will exploit the planet's significations in this Shastiamsa. If the seventh lord is in Rakshasamsa, the person is exploited by his or her spouse.
If Venus, the Karaka of women, is in Rakshasamsa, the person is a woman exploiter. The bhava lords, according to Phaldeepika, represent the events that occur in your life, while the Karaka represents your actions concerning the planet's meanings. This is why Venus in the 11th house may bring you wealth via relationships and women, while the 7th lord in the 11th house may bring you wealth through marriage and partnerships.
Ghora: Ghora means terrible. Just as Aghoris do not fit the norms of society, Ghora also does not fit the standards of society. Their actions are sometimes seen as incompatible with orthodox Hinduism. The rural people respect many Aghori gurus, as they are believed to have attained healing powers through their intense ascetic practices, renunciation and prescribed rituals. So any planet in this Shastiamsa indicates that the planet will behave in a manner that is not according to the standards of the society.
Planetary implications in Ghora will present themselves in such a way that they will be incredibly tough to handle or manage in life. Venus in Ghora Shastiamsa suggests that a relationship will enter your life and become a problem for you, which you will not be able to escape easily. Jupiter in Ghora Shastiamsa denotes a backbiter who will go to a teacher or Guru even if he doesn't like him to gather knowledge and then will betray his Guru after integrating knowledge. When a planet is in Ghora Shastiamsa, a person should avoid going to extremes with its significations.
Deva: Devas and asuras are Vedic equivalents of Greek mythology's Olympian gods and titans. Both are powerful, but in Hindu mythology, the devas symbolise the force of light, while the asuras symbolise the force of darkness.
The Devas and their conflict with the Asuras are mentioned in the early Upanishads. In Book 4 of the Kaushitaki Upanishad, for example, it is said that "When Indra didn't know his own Atman, he was weaker than the Asuras. With self-knowledge, Indra became unfettered, sovereign, and victorious over the Asuras"; similarly, according to the Kaushitaki Upanishad, "The individual who understands his inner self gets independence, sovereignty, and is untouched by all evil."
Devas are also enjoying the resources but they are not the exploiters of resources. They are not cruel and merciless like the Rakshasas. A planet in Deva Shastiamsa indicates that the significations of the planet are available in abundance in your life.
Even after many good indications associated with it a planet in Deva Shastiamsa is also capable of misguiding you as to when things are in abundance we often tend to make the wrong choice and may not recognize the real worth of that thing. For example, the 7th lord in Deva Shastiamsa means that for marriage a person will have a large number of choices and as a result making the right decision will be difficult and can also indicate extra-marital affairs. The planet in the Deva Shatiamsa has a lot of potential in it as it is capable to take the person to great heights. The placement of the 10th lord in Deva Shastiamsa indicates that the person has a lot of potential related to the signification of that planet but it will be difficult for him to make use of those skills or potential in his profession, so he should do business to prosper in life. Such a person can also be in the manufacturing or export sector.
Kubera: Kubera is the chief of evil spirits or spirits of darkness, and the son of Vaishravana, according to the Atharvaveda, where he first appears, and the Shatapatha Brahmana. He is referred to as the Lord of Thieves and Criminals by the Shatapatha Brahmana. He becomes a respectable Loka-pala ("world guardian") and supporter of traders in the Manusmriti.
Once upon a time, Ravana deposed Kubera from his position as king of Lanka. Kubera, upset and heartbroken, began to worship Shiva. Shiva and his wife, Parvati, appeared to Kubera. Kubera had heard of Shiva's splendorous form and had prepared himself for the significantly bigger God's presence, but when Parvati appeared, he was so astonished by the elegance and splendour that his right eye blinked automatically. Parvati, enraged by his lust, pulled out the eye and vanished in an instant.
Kubera is similar to Venus as he is also one-eyed. When a planet is in Kubera Shastiamsa, it desires to fulfil its significance, but just when it is about to do so, it makes major mistakes, like the Kubera did. A person having the second lord in Kubera Shastiamsa should be very careful while investing the money as the person may do the biggest financial blunder of his life. If there is a planet in Kubera Shastiamsa, it experiences injustice, much as Kubera did when Ravan expelled him from his throne and took his heavenly Chariot. The hard work of the person having planets in Kubera Shastiamsa may be enjoyed by someone else. The person can become a high achiever in one of the significations of that planet placed in Kubera Shastiamsa.
Yaksha: Yaksha is a class of typically kind but occasionally troublesome, fickle, sexually voracious, or even deadly deities who are the keepers of wealth concealed in the ground and in the roots of trees, according to Indian mythology. They are strong shape-shifters and magicians. Kubera, the ruler of the mythological Himalayan nation Alaka, is the most powerful of the yakshas.
Yakshas also possess a beautiful voice and can also indicate professions associated with singing if the 10th lord is placed in Yaksha Shastiamsa.
Similarly, it can also indicate professions associated with oration such as TV anchors, Radio Jockey, Astrologers, Counsellors, Motivational speakers. They can also be Accountants, Miners, Illusionists, Chartered Accountants etc.
A Planet in Yaksha Shastiamsa is capable of creating illusions before you and trap you. It can also give false allegations. A person having a planet in Yaksha amsa has to go through a lot of test and transformation in life. If these transformations can be handled with patience then the planet starts to give very good results.
Kinnar: Soft-spoken Kinnars who are excellent in singing and performing, like the Gandharvas, have been known for their distinctive and enchanting beauty since ancient times. Kinnars have a fantastic ability to change their appearance.
Kinnars have a unique position in Hindu Tantra literature. A Kinnar with a half-human, half-horse physique is mentioned in the Shatapatha Brahmana ( The Kinnars has been depicted as a human-faced bird in Buddhist literature. The Garudamukhi, human-bodied, and Pashupad form of Kinnar is described in Mansar.
Some people do the sadhana of famous and Siddha Kinnars. Their sadhana is especially beneficial for singing and beauty. The boon of Kinnar is obtained very quickly and easily.
Mainly there is a group of six Kinnars:
1. Manoharini kinnari,
2. Shubhag kinnari,
3. Vishal Netra kinnari,
4. Surat Priya kinnari,
5. Sumukhi kinnari,
6. divakar mukhi kinnari.
As Kinnars are half human half animal the Narasimha avatar of Vishnu can be considered as a Kinnar. Narasimha is the most fierce form of Lord Vishnu. According to Hinduism's Puranic texts, Hiranyakashipu was an Asura and monarch of the Daityas. His name literally means "clothed in gold" (hiranya "gold" kashipu "soft cushion"), and it is frequently taken as a person who enjoys luxury and sensuous pleasures. The name was taken from a golden throne known as 'Hiranyakashipu' that the asuras sat in or near during the Atiratra (Soma) sacrifice, according to the Puranas.
According to mythology, Lord Brahma bestowed upon Hiranyakashipu a blessing that rendered him nearly invincible. Narasimha, a manifestation of Lord Vishnu, later killed him. His situation demonstrates the absurdity of seeking control over others, as well as the strength of the Lord's protection over totally dedicated devotees (in the case of his son Prahlad). After killing Hiranyakashipu, lord Narasimha started licking Prahlad. Narasimha was a Rajashik avatar of Vishnu and as a result, he got trapped in worldly enjoyments on the earth. Lord Shiva then had to take an avatar to free him from the earth.
A planet in Kinnaramsa means that animals love you a lot and there is a lot of devotion and dedication related to the significations of that planet. The results of planets in Kinnaramsa may come after a lot of delays and you may have to wait for a long period of time. the placement of the 10th lord in Kinnaramsa may indicate that you may be rewarded in your profession after a long period of time but if you develop ego then the same planet can cause a lot of trouble in the career.
Bhrast: It means corrupt. It also refers to a person falling from a high position in life as a result of his own blunders. The person may have to settle for poor options in his life, which he will find tough to do because he has come from a decent place in life. If the Ascendant Lord is in Bhrastamsa, he may make decisions in his life that drag him down. The placement of the fifth lord in Bhrastamsa may imply that the person's fifth lord significations, such as children, etc., led him to fall in his life.
If Mercury is in Bhrastamsa, he may have originated from a good family but failed because of his speech or intelligence. If Sun is in Bhrastamsa, he may have fallen as a result of his ego. If Jupiter is in Bhrasta Shastiamsa the judgement or decisions of life have caused the fall of the person.
Kulagna: Kulagna denotes an unfortunate person who brings dishonour to his family. A planet in this Shastiamsa may imply difficulties associated with the planet's significations. When the fifth lord is in Kulagna Shastiamsa, the person's offspring may bring shame to the family. His offspring may engage in behaviours that impair the person's reputation in society.
The Sun in Kulagna Shastiamsa may imply that humiliation may come to the family as a result of enmity with the government, a politician, or a strong person in society. If Jupiter is in Kulagna Shastiamsa, dishonour to the family may result from poor life decisions. If Rahu is in Kulagna Shastiamsa, scandals, dishonesty, foreigners, or MNCs are the causes of humiliation. If Ketu is in Kulagna, the humiliation may be caused by individuals of another religion.
Garala: It means Venom. A planet in this Shastiamsa can make you suffer as a result of its significations. That planet can cause misfortunes or unhappiness through its significations.
The deities, who have been weakened by the curse of the irritated sage Durvasa, summon the Asuras to assist them in retrieving the nectar of immortality from the depths of the cosmic ocean. Mount Mandara was torn down for use as a churning stick and established on the ocean floor by Vishnu in his incarnation as the tortoise Kurma. The asuras held the snake Vasuki's (half-human, half-cobra) head, which was used for the churning rope, while the gods held his tail. When the poison from Vasuki's skull threatened to pollute the nectar, Lord Shiva seized it and placed it around his throat, turning his throat blue in the process.
The placement of the tenth lord in Garalamsa may also indicate a career in Medicine, Chemistry, Drugs, or Doctors who deal with various kinds of diseases. If the Ascendant lord is in Garalamsa then it can indicate toxic ideas coming to the mind. The placement of the Moon in Garalamsa can create anxiety and frustration. Mercury in Garala Shastiamsa can indicate his speech may give pain to others.
Agni: Fire, as one of the five inert transient elements (Panchabhuta), together with ether (Akash), water (Ap), air (Vayu), and earth (Prithvi), forms the objectively observed physical reality (Prakriti). Agni, along with Indra and Soma, is an important and frequently invoked deity in Vedic literature. Agni is seen as the mouth of gods and goddesses and the channel of offering in an homa (votive ritual). Agni is predominantly associated with fire as a deity in early Vedic literature, embodying the primal qualities of consumption, transformation, and transmission. The name Agni has numerous meanings, including a fire in the stomach, cooking fire in the household, sacrifice fire in Vedic rituals, cremation fire, rebirth fire, fire in the energy saps hidden inside plants, atmospheric fire in lightning, and heavenly fire in the sun.
Fire is a natural leader. A planet in Agni Shastiamsa may bestow leadership qualities to a person. The placement of Venus in Agniamsa is capable of increasing the sexual fire within a person. The seventh lord in Agni Shastiamsa can give multiple relationships due to the increase in energy. Agni also became a symbol for eternal principle in man in the Upanishads and post-Vedic writings, as well as any force or wisdom that consumes and removes a state of darkness, transforming and procreating an illuminated condition of living. Because Agni is associated with longevity, placing the Lagna lord, 3rd lord, 8th lord, or 9th lord in Agni Shastiamsa can help some people live a long life. Agni is also known as Vahni. So a planet in Vahni Shastiamsa can also mean the same.
Maya: Maya is the tremendous force that generates the cosmic illusion that the observable reality is actual, according to the Advaita Vedanta branch of Hindu philosophy. Maya is also a Hindu deity, Lakshmi's attribute, as well as the name of a form of Lakshmi, who is the goddess of "riches, prosperity, and love." Maya is also a word that means "wealth" or "treasure." There are several cases of hidden money being guarded by supernatural entities, both apparent and unseen. The Upanishads depict the creation and the physical reality as an interaction between Purusha and Prakriti. The former shows itself to be Atman (The Soul, the Self), the latter to be Maya. The Upanishads refer to Atman's knowledge as Vidya and Maya's knowledge as Avidya.
Maya is mentioned in the Upanishads in a number of places. The verses 4.9 to 4.10 of the Svetasvatara Upanishad are the earliest clear and specific occurrences of the concept that Brahman (Supreme Soul) is the concealed truth, nature is magic, Brahman is the magician, human beings are fascinated only with magic and therefore produce enslavement to deceptions and delusional thoughts, and for freedom and liberation, one should pursue real insights and appropriate wisdom of the principles behind the illusions and delusions.
- The Maya may be good for materialistic happiness, but it is not at all good for spiritual progress as the person will always be surrounded by illusions. If Rahu occupies Maya then it will always make the person run after illusion. He will make castles in the air and may not do what is needed to achieve the Aim.
- Gora Shastiamsa gives very sudden results to the natives and in an extreme form.
- Peoples who have the 9th lord in Brahma Shastiamsa are very knowledgeable and have the blessings of their Guru, Teachers and Father. They carry the blessings from the divine. Their ideas are always original and people try to copy their ideas.
- The 3rd house in the birth chart signifies your skills and if a benefic planet like Venus is placed in the third house in Yaksha Shastiamsa the native may have good musical skills.
- The placement of Jupiter in the 2nd house in Kubera Shastiamsa makes the native very affluent.
- If the 8th lord is in Payodhi Shastiamsa then there is fear from water.
- If the 10th lord occupies Bhrasta or Utpata Shastiamsa then the native will face troubles in the profession during the Dasha of that planet.
- Food poisoning or intoxication cases can be seen if planets occupy Garala Shastiamsa. Moon in Garala Shastiamsa may cause food poisoning issues.
You can also use the significations of different planets for prediction, like
- Sun rules bones
- Moon rules over blood
- Mars rules over the marrow
- Mercury rules over the skin
- Jupiter rules over the fat
- Venus rules over the semen
- Saturn rules over muscles
Profession associated with Shastiamsa Deities
Shastiamsa Deities | Profession Associated |
Ghoramsa | Vedic Preceptor can be the teacher of complex subjects. |
Rakshashamsa | Servants, Darners, Tailors, etc., now in modern context means working for someone. |
Devamsa | Priests or one who gives the knowledge of both the material and spiritual world. |
Kuberamsa | Salesman, Dealers, Speculators. |
Yakshamsa | Trader of Vehicles, Diplomats, Ambassador, Strategically minded peoples. |
Kinnaramsa | Writers, Poets, Journalists, Typist, Stenographers, Clerks, etc. |
Bhrastamsa | Professions related to manufacturing. |
Kulaghnamsa | Actors, Artists, Cinema, TV, Radio, Peoples in innovative professions not following the orthodox professions of family. |
Garalamsa | Dancers, Travellers, Gymnastics, record keepers. |
Agni amsa | Involved in the profession of rites/ceremonies, of Hindu religion, performing austerities. |
Maya amsa | Head of the Preceptors, Teacher, Master. |
Pretapurisha amsa | Charity, Social Works, Head of Charitable Institutions. |
Apam Patyamsa | Handicapped persons, Ayurvedic doctors, Herbs, Etc. |
Marutya amsa (Devagana amsa) |
Heads of Village, Towns, Municipalities. Revenue collector, Barbers, etc. |
Kala amsa | Stock Brokers, Drunkards, Disaster Management, Speculators, etc. |
Sarpa amsa (Ahi bhanga amsa) |
Entertainment professions, Owner of Clubs, Theatres, Caretakers, Horticulturalists, etc. |
Amrita amsa | Production and trade of flowers, Perfume industry, Nurseries, Traders of such chemicals, etc. |
Chandra amsa | The profession in Government, Public sectors, Civil Services, etc. |
Mridu amsa | Military, Army, Home guards, Police, etc. |
Komala amsa | Traders of dry fruits, Grocery stores, Vegetable shops, Herbal medicines, Confectionary related items, Homeopathy doctors. |
Padma Bhanu (Herambha amsa) |
Drama, Dance, Teacher in artistic fields, Music directors, TV actors, etc. |
Lakshisha amsa (Brahma amsa) |
Traders of beetle nuts, Pan shops, Traders of Spices, Supari units. |
Vishu amsa (Vagsheesha amsa) |
Buying and Selling of Prohibited items, Intoxicants, drug dealers, smugglers, black markets, etc. |
Maheshwara amsa | Elected local administrators, landlords, Chairman, Mayors, Co-Operative Organizations |
Deva amsa | Musicians, Kirtan singers at temples, Drummers, artists. |
Indra amsa (Ardra amsa) |
Saints, Monks, Head of religious the organization, Religious preachers. |
Kalinasha amsa | Great men who remove the sinful thoughts of the mind, teaching ethics. |
Kshitiswara amsa | Trading of items related to Venus-like clothes, Perfumes, Luxury items, decorative items, paintings. |
Kamalakara amsa | Producers of Medicines, Pharmacy, Surgical items, X-ray units, Tonics, Pathological Labs, Herbs selling, etc. |
Gulika amsa | Dealers of electronic items, household goods, Cosmetic items, Decoration items. |
Mrityukara amsa | Labourers, Coolies, Taxi driver, Train drivers, carrying heavy loads. |
Kala amsa | Pottery, Crockery, Kitchenware, Clay pots, Porcelain utensils, ceramics. |
Devajna amsa | Cultivators, Owner of farms, Land irrigation, Agriculture, Selling Fertilizers, Pesticides. |
Ghora amsa | Traders, Industrialists, Entrepreneurs, wholesale traders. |
Yama amsa | Selling of goods related to plastics, Rubber, metal items, Shoes, Bags, Goldsmith. |
Kantaka amsa | Farming or some physical works, Mechanical engineering. |
Sudha amsa | Scholar, Professors, Lecturers. |
Amrita amsa | Scientists, Researchers, Professors. |
Purna Chandra amsa | Printing publication, Distribution, Advertising Agencies, Librarians. |
Vishapradhigdha amsa | Laundries, Fashion designers, Synthetic or Wool-related products. |
Kulanasa amsa | Travelling for business, Export/Import of goods, Representatives in foreign lands. |
Vamshakshaya amsa | Professors, Acharyas, Purohits that are of higher level, Astrologers, Grammer teachers. |
Utpataka amsa | Scientists of Scholarly disposition, one knowing Veda, Vedangas. |
Kalarupa amsa | Receptionists, Singing praise of Kings, politicians. |
Soumya amsa | Leader of Army, commander in chief, Top rank officers in government, Governor. |
Komala amsa | IAS, IPS, senior officers, Autonomous bodies, Public sector. |
Sheetala amsa | Mathematics, Engineering, Astronomers, Statistics, Computer Industry, Accountants, Chartered Accountant, Finance, MBA. |
Damstrakara amsa | Magistrates, Judges, Court head, Police Commissioner, Speaker, Home Minister, Secretaries, those empowered in disciplinary proceedings. |
Chandramukha (Indramukha amsa) |
Butchers, Hunters, Robbery, theft, Torturing others. |
Pravina amsa | Production, distribution of fuels, electric lighting. |
Kalagni amsa | Traders of fruits, vegetables, Hotels, Restaurants, Canteen. |
Dandayudha amsa | Higher authorities, of law and order. |
Nirmala amsa | Jewellery dealers, Merchants, Gold miners, dealing with costly items. |
Soumya amsa | Farmers, Miners, engagement in, expensive dealings. |
Krura amsa | Trading of milk, meat, soft drinks, coffee shops. |
Ati sheetala amsa | Performing austerities, Priests of any religion. |
Amruta amsa | Preachers of Veda and Vedanga, Authors, Lecturers, Guides, Professors. |
Payodhi amsa | Inspector, Presidents, Superintendent, Principals of Institutes. |
Brahmana amsa | Receiving donations |
Indu Rekha amsa | Fisherman, Traders of pearls, Owners of Orchards or gardens. |
You may find a difference in the names of the Shastiamsa deities in the above table, so please check the chart given first with the second to understand. You may consult the chart above to know the professions given by different deities.
Shastiamsa deity is an advanced topic in Astrology and if you are a beginner then you should not use it to test the results of planets as without knowing each and every deity and their nature you will only misinterpret the information. To test this technique you can use the Kaal Chakra Dasha to test when good or bad results may come.
In classics, very little information about Shastiamsa Deities is given, but if you use the literal meaning of the deities it can clear some of the doubts.
Shastiamsa Deities in Swami Vivekananda's Chart
Birth Details of Swami Vivekananda
- Date: January 12, 1863
- Time: 6:33:00
- Time Zone: 5:54:00 (East of GMT)
- Place: 88 E 30' 00", 22 N 40' 00"
- Altitude: 0.44 meters
- Lunar Yr-Mo: Dundubhi - Pushya
- Tithi: Krishna Sapthami (Sa) (49.89% left)
- Vedic Weekday: Sunday (Su)
- Nakshatra: Hastha (Mo) (44.08% left)
- Yoga: Atiganda (Mo) (23.26% left)
- Karana: Bava (Su) (99.78% left)
- Hora Lord: Mercury (5 min sign: Pi)
- Mahakala Hora: Moon (5 min sign: Aq)
- Kaala Lord: Mercury (Mahakala: Rahu)
- Sunrise: 6:46:40 (January 11)
- Sunset: 17:29:35 (January 11)
- Janma Ghatis: 59.4309
- Ayanamsa: 21-55-48.97
- Sidereal Time: 13:57:05
Shastiamsa Deities occupied by various bodies in Swami Vivekananda's chart
Body | Division | Index | In whose amsa in D-60 (Trd) |
Lagna | 53 | 53 | Nirmala |
Sun | 59 | 59 | Bhramana |
Moon | 35 | 26 | Aardra |
Mars | 13 | 13 | Apaampati |
Mercury | 24 | 37 | Sudhaa |
Jupiter | 9 | 9 | Garala |
Venus | 15 | 46 | Komala |
Saturn | 28 | 33 | Daavaagni |
Rahu | 45 | 16 | Sarpa |
Ketu | 45 | 16 | Sarpa |
Uranus (R) | 51 | 10 | Vahni |
Neptune | 19 | 42 | Vamsa-kshaya |
Pluto (R) | 36 | 36 | Kantaka |
Bhava Lagna | 51 | 51 | Kaala Paavaka |
Hora Lagna | 44 | 44 | Kaala |
Ghati Lagna | 23 | 23 | Vishnu |
Vighati Lagna | 41 | 41 | Kula-naasa |
Pranapada Lagna | 43 | 43 | Utpaata |
Sree Lagna | 35 | 26 | Aardra |
Indu Lagna | 35 | 35 | Yama |
Bhrigu Bindu | 40 | 40 | Visha-dagdha |
Kunda | 13 | 13 | Apaampati |
Dhooma | 26 | 35 | Yama |
Vyatipata | 35 | 35 | Yama |
Parivesha | 35 | 35 | Yama |
Indra Chapa | 26 | 35 | Yama |
Upaketu | 59 | 2 | Raakshasa |
Kaala | 21 | 21 | Heramba |
Mrityu | 49 | 12 | Pureeshaka |
Artha Prahara | 35 | 35 | Yama |
Yama Ghantaka | 20 | 41 | Kula-naasa |
Maandi | 50 | 50 | Praveena |
Gulika | 27 | 27 | Kali-naasa |
Prana Sphuta | 47 | 47 | Seetala |
Deha Sphuta | 6 | 55 | Kroora |
Mrityu Sphuta | 3 | 3 | Deva |
Sookshma TriSphuta | 55 | 6 | Kinnara |
Tithi Sphuta | 37 | 37 | Sudhaa |
Yoga Sphuta (Sun-Moon) | 34 | 34 | Ghora |
Rahu Tithi Sphuta | 46 | 46 | Komala |
Kshetra Sphuta | 56 | 5 | Yaksha |
Beeja Sphuta | 22 | 22 | Brahma |
TriSphuta | 54 | 54 | Saumya |
ChatusSphuta | 53 | 8 | Kulaghna |
PanchaSphuta | 37 | 24 | Maheswara |
Yoga Sphuta | 41 | 20 | Komala |
Avayoga Sphuta | 54 | 7 | Bhrashta |
Varnada Lagna | 53 | 8 | Kulaghna |
V2 | 53 | 53 | Nirmala |
V3 | 53 | 8 | Kulaghna |
V4 | 53 | 53 | Nirmala |
V5 | 53 | 8 | Kulaghna |
V6 | 53 | 53 | Nirmala |
V7 | 53 | 8 | Kulaghna |
V8 | 53 | 53 | Nirmala |
V9 | 53 | 8 | Kulaghna |
V10 | 53 | 53 | Nirmala |
V11 | 53 | 8 | Kulaghna |
V12 | 53 | 53 | Nirmala |
Birth Chart of Swami Vivekananda and signs of great spiritual achievements

The sign Scorpio is the powerhouse of the Kundanali Shakti. In the Birth Chart of Swamiji, Rahu is in Scorpio in the Sarpa Shastiamsa which is a clear indication of the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti. The Planets in the 8th from Ascendant or Moon can take a Sadhak into 'Trance State' in its Major or Sub Period. In the Birth chart of Swamiji Mars is in the 8th from Moon which may have taken him into great depths of 'Nirvikalpa Samadhi'. Mars is present in Apaampati Shastiamsa which means ocean. As the ocean has great depths, Swamiji's Samadhi was also of great depth.
I remember one incident with Swamiji's Samadhi. Narendra (Vivekananda's Pre-monastic name) and Girish Chandra Ghosh were meditating under a mango tree at the Cossipore garden house one evening. When the mosquitoes started bothering Girish Ghosh, he was about to reach a deep meditative state. He managed to fend them off with a slap, but they persisted in biting him. Narendra was in a lotus position when Girish Ghosh opened his eyes. He didn't want to leave without taking Swami Vivekananda. He then called Vivekananda but got no response. Then he gently touched him but still didn't get any response. Girish Ghosh found that Narendra's body was fully engulfed with mosquitoes, much like a blanket. Swamiji's lack of body awareness astounded Girish Ghosh but scared him because he did not react.
There is one common factor between all the spiritually enlightened peoples, God never gave them the great material success that would have increased their ego. The ego is the worst enemy of a spiritual aspirant.
The second house indicates oratory skills. In Swami Vivekananda's chart the significator of speech, Mercury is with Venus, a planet of musical skills. He had a very beautiful musical voice and when he sang Ramakrishna Paramahamsa used to go into Samadhi. His speech in the World Parliament of Religion received overwhelming applause for two minutes which proceeded to set up him as the best figure in the Parliament of World Religions and India as the mother of religions.
The second lord is in Davagni Shastiamsa which indicates his fiery speech. The aspect of Mars on Jupiter also confirms this.
The tenth lord Mercury is in Sudhaa Shastiamsa which indicates Karmas done with great Purity.
The ninth lord Sun is Ascendant in Bhramana Shastiamsa which indicates travelling due to religious purpose. Both Bhrigu Sutram and Chamatkar Chintamani say Sun in Ascendant makes a person a traveller. Sun is also the Atmakaraka in the chart. The Atmakaraka Sun in Bhramana Shastiamsa also indicates receiving donations (See the Table Profession associated with Shastiamsa Deities above). He received donations from the public to establish Ramakrishna Mission.
Second House of the Chart
The second house is under the influence of two benefic planets, Venus and Mercury. The second lord Saturn has exchanged signs with the tenth lord Mercury, creating a Simhasana Yoga. It bestowed him with international recognition.
Tenth Lord of the Chart
The tenth lord Mercury is with Venus in the second house of Speech. Swami Vivekananda was recognized by the U.S.A as a Spiritual Orator with Divine Personality.
Seventh House of the Chart (10th house from the 10th house)
There is an aspect of Jupiter and Sun in the seventh house that indicates his mission of conveying a spiritual message to the world under Divine guidance.
Tenth House from the Tenth Lord
Jupiter, the planet of Spirituality is in the tenth house from the tenth lord Mercury. Jupiter is aspected by the fifth and twelfth lord Mars which indicates great Strength in his speech. But this firey speech also caused a lot of trouble for him in the U.S.A. Swami Vivekananda had a mission in his life to Uplift the Spiritual backbone of the World and carry forward the ideals of his Guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa for which he was ready to sacrifice even his own life. He proposed the idea of 'Universal Religion' long before when the World Parliament of Religions was going through debates about the idea of 'Universal Religion'.
Shri K.N.Rao has mentioned in his book "Enigmas in Astrology" the above four conditions to check if a person is born with a mission in his life.
The following conditions are necessary to check if a person is born with a Mission in his life:
- The Second House represents Ethical conduct and hence it should be free from malefic influences. The presence of Malefics in the second house denies any Mission. The involvement of malefic in the second house or if the second lord is with malefic then such a person may be involved in backbiting or cheating.
- The tenth lord should not be debilitated.
- The tenth house should be free from malefic influences.
- There should not be any malefic planet in the 10th from the 10th house i.e., the Seventh house.
- Benefic influence on the tenth house and tenth lord.
- Benefic influence on the tenth house or tenth lord from Moon.
- Benefic influence on the tenth lord from the tenth lord i.e., the seventh house.
Chara Atmakaraka and the Pending Karma
By way of malefic and benefic dispositions such as debility, exaltation, and so on, Atmakaraka produces both poor and positive outcomes. According to Jaimini Sutras, the placement of Atmakaraka (Chara) in Exaltation signs or benefic signs can take a person towards liberation even if he faces a lot of troubles in his life. Such a person may live in holy places and may attain Moksha but the placement of Atmakaraka (Chara) in a debilitated sign can cause a lot of suffering and may deny Moksha.
Pandit Sanjay Rath Says:
- If Atmakaraka is a malefic planet, it shows a high degree of spiritual growth, whereas a beneficial planet like Atmakaraka shows a comparatively smaller level. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Srila Prabhupada both have Rahu as the Atmakaraka.
- During its Vimshottari Dasha, the Atmakaraka invariably indicates pain, particularly if it is malefic. Narayana Dasha of the Navamsa sign occupied by the Atmakaraka or those aspecting it can give good spiritual growth. The Dasha of the Atmakaraka may be useful if the person is spiritually inclined.
- A retrograde Atmakaraka suggests that the birth was caused by a deep-seated desire. This desire is very intense when Atmakaraka is retrograde and will lead every way in life.
- The Combustion of Atmakaraka can give divine intuition.
Various Planets as Atmakaraka
- The Sun as AK suggests that the native must learn to transcend his pride and become modest.
- The Moon as AK suggests that the native should be loving and concerned.
- Mars as AK suggests that the native should avoid all acts of aggression and follow the direction of Ahimsa.
- Mercury as AK suggests that the native has the power of his voice and be honest at all times.
- Jupiter as AK suggests that the native must always honour the Master, spouse, and children.
- Venus as AK suggests that the native must be very clean and abstain from illicit intimate relations.
- Saturn as AK suggests that the native will have to share the sorrow of many others and will be unable to give sorrow to others.
- Rahu as AK suggests that the native could have been deceived often and may therefore need to be truthful and have a pure heart.