Influence of Astrology on Human Lives

During the months of July and August, also known as Ashadha and Shravana, the distribution of Sunbeams across the planet is not uniform, resulting in cloudy and lethargic atmospheres that affect the minds of living beings. This phenomenon also affects the ability of animals to work actively during this time. The radiation from the planets, as determined by their placement in natal and transitory charts, has an impact on the mind, intelligence, and ego of all creatures, much like how clouds govern the distribution of Sun rays.

The effects of planetary radiation are comparable to those of smoke or fog, which can result in reduced visibility and potential accidents. Overheating, strong winds, and tornadoes can also cause tragedies in human life. Science has acknowledged the 12-Zodiacal signs, and astrology and astronomy are intertwined.

When a newborn is born at a time and place where the Sun's rays are falling on Mars, that child may possess egoism, pride, and other such characteristics. Similarly, if Mars' rays fall on Jupiter at the time of the native's birth, the native may be passionate, overconfident, and obstinate. If Jupiter aspects Mercury in the natal chart, the native will likely be well-educated and well-spoken. Thus, the astronomical positions of the planets have a significant impact on humans on Earth, and astrology uses this information to make practical forecasts. Astronomical data is gathered, accepted, and analyzed for this purpose.

Influence of Planets on the personality of a Person

Adamant and Stubborn Nature: Because of the causative influences of planets, some children are obstinate and unyielding. Such youngsters will become unproductive citizens of the nation if they do not receive adequate counsel at the appropriate time. In the natal chart, planetary combos such as Mars and Rahu, Mars and Jupiter, Mars, and Sun, and so on suggest the cause of such a nature.

Elders can assist such youngsters by teaching them the stories of great men such as Paramahamsa, Vivekananda, Sharadamani, and others. Aside from mythical stories of great Rishis, Sadhus, and great individuals who sacrificed their lives for the sake of humanity, these stories may be presented in a simple and accessible way. Although it may be impossible to raise such children to be as wonderful as the aforementioned characters, proper instruction will assist such youngsters to pave the route for a magnificent and noble life.

Lazy Nature: This sort of kid has a proclivity to become a parasite. They attempt to live at the expense of others. In the future, they will constantly consider other people's property and how they might use it to their advantage. It is because such lazy people have no desire to complete any work due to their laziness and lethargy.

Such tendencies are caused by the conjunction of Satun and Rahu in the natal chart.
As a result, such youngsters should be assigned appropriate tasks based on their physical abilities. As a consequence, they will be able to flourish and succeed in such sectors. They must be warned that whatever luxuries and conveniences they enjoy as youngsters will not endure long and that they will have to stand on their own when they grow up.

We've all heard the story about Valmiki, the famous poet who wrote the Ramayana, who used to be a butcher. He became the world's immortal poet as a result of the guidance and counsel he got. In the same way, many people in this world have become great because they received proper counsel and assistance at the right moment.

Mischievous Nature: Some youngsters are extremely mischievous, causing significant disruption to their elders and others. Instead of criticizing and punishing them, it is necessary to correctly lead them piously and patiently. We have seen that some children who were mischievous as youngsters became the greatest men in the world in the later period of their life. As a result, if appropriate opportunities, guidance, and counsel are provided, such youngsters have the potential to become highly helpful citizens. 

The mischievous propensity is caused by the conjunction of Mars, Mercury, and the Sun when Jupiter is aspecting these planets or when Jupiter is aspecting Mars and Mercury. Mars is the causative planet. It also denotes the presence of unique intelligence that should be appropriately channeled.

An astrologer analyzing the horoscopes of such youngsters would be able to identify this to the children's elders, allowing the elders to learn the true source of their children's problems and guide them in the right direction. As a result, an astrologer may be of great value to the people of the world.

Some students have a tendency to rebuke when the teacher asks a question. It should not be concluded based only on the fact that the student is a bad one. Instead, the student should be properly mentored, as such students are usually found to be very intelligent.

A Yogi

Black magic according to Nadi Astrology

When the planets Moon, Rahu, and Venus are all together, bad spirits might have a stronghold. This produces a mental distortion and delusion in the native, and the native will have no idea what he is doing. His thoughts come to a halt.
Insanity is the result of combining all of the aforementioned consequences. Mercury, Mars, and Dragon Head, as well as Mars, Jupiter, and Dragon Head, are additional planetary combinations that have comparable effects.

Under specific conditions and events, this effect has a stronger impact on the impacted natives' mental capabilities. As a result, those who have such issues should not be left alone in the dark or in water-bound locations. Natives experiencing such hallucinations should avoid visiting the site of the accident since the living cells have reversible reactions, putting tremendous strain on the brains.

Description: Rahu represents the head, Jupiter represents life, and Mars represents power/Shakthi.
Mars is positioned in an inconvenient position between Jupiter (life) and Dragon Head (the Demon mind). Mars (Power/Energy/Shakthi) is hostile to Dragon Head Rahu, as well as the mind (Moon).
There will be mental disturbances, overflowing emotions, hallucinations, and other symptoms while the Moon is trapped between Mars and Dragon Head. These factors can be traced by an astrologer, who can also provide a remedy. To put it another way, an exorcising approach may be offered. 

Remedy: There is a procedure used in various areas of the world where turmeric powder is combined with water and the Margosa twigs are dipped in turmeric mixed water. Turmeric water is sprinkled over the affected native's head, and margosa twigs dipped in turmeric water are lashed around the native's head. This lashing produces the sound "PHAT, PHAT, (PATHA SWAHA)" and this sound "PHAT" has an enormous psychological and scientific impact (power) to drive out hallucinations and disorders of the mental faculties. The native will be free of the issue.

Six important factors for making predictions in Nadi Astrology

To arrive at the predictional component of the Nadi method of Astrology, it is required to know:

i) The characteristics of the respective planets.
ii) Their directional aspects.
iii) The causticity of respective planets.
iv) The zodiac sign in which the respective planets are posited.
v) The 2nd, 5th 7th, 9th and 11th signs from such planets.
vi) Friendly and inimical aspects of the respective planets.

The Ascendant (Lagna) is usually the most significant component of predictive astrology among astrologers.
The Lagna or the Ascendant is considered to be the 'The Person' himself. However, the Nadi method of astrology symbolizes the native in the male horoscope as Jupiter and the native in the female horoscope as Venus.

The differences in prediction based on Ascendant and significations of Planets

When forecasting Karma or Profession, it is commonly assumed that the planet in the 10th house from the Ascendant denotes Karma or Profession. For example, if Scorpio is the Ascendant, Leo is the 10th sign. When the sun occupies the 10th sign of Leo, it is thought to be the Lord of Karma. However, in terms of planet significations, the Sun is the significator planet for the Soul rather than Karma. As a result, the entire set of forecasts is incorrect. As can be seen, calculating from the Ascendant becomes highly incorrect.

Sl Planets Significations
1 Sun Father, Son, Government, Soul, Right Eye, king,
Minister, Glow, Status, Eminent person.
2 Moon Mind, Mother, Mother-in-law kumkum (Red
powder). Cold. Cough, Water, Cheater, Changes,
Lady. Female. Left Eye, Goddess Parvathi.
3 Mars Power, Ego, Enemies, Electricity, Metal, second
Brother, Fire, Heat. Hard, Teeth, Husband in a
Female Horoscope, Blood.
4 Mercury Knowledge, Education, Friends, Business, III
Brother, Some times Female, Creepers.
5 Jupiter Native (Jeevatma) in a male horoscope, Guide,
or guru or preceptor; Nose.
6 Venus Goddess Lakshmi, Daughter-In-Law Wealth,
House, Elder Sister,' Wife, Native in female
Horoscope, Luxury, Preceptor of Demons.
7 Saturn Ishwara, Chin, Profession, Elder Brother, Slow,
Lazy, Sincere worker.
8 Rahu Bigness, Open Mouth, Round, Crown Nature of
Demons, Muslims, Illusion (Maya, Greed,
Pitamaha, Vacancy).
9 Ketu Small, Hairs, Monk, Holy, Christian Breaks,
Litigation, Liberation (Moksha) Vagina,
Matamata, Thread, Wire, Wireless, Lane,
Narrow, Brahma.

Direction and Signification of Houses

In astrology, the 12 zodiac signs are divided into four groups, as seen below:


Profession: Saturn is the Lord of Profession, and he rules the House of Profession.
Saturn's primary concern is the planetary combination of the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 7th Signs.

Husband: Mars is the Lord of the house of the Husband in a female chart. The forecast is made based on the Planetary Combination of the 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 9th to him (from the female chart).

Wife: Venus is the Lord of the House of Wives. The combination of planets with Venus and planets placed in the second, fifth, seventh, and ninth houses will suggest the Husband, Nature, and Profession.

Transit: From time to time, the transit of planets brings either favorable or unfavorable effects.

Example Charts

Saturn Moon
College Professor
(Female Chart)
Asc Jupiter

Predictions: Saturn is having the aspect of Jupiter in the chart. The association of Jupiter with Saturn gives a person a respectable career. The association can be through conjunction, aspect, sign placement, exchange of signs, etc. From Saturn Moon and Venus are in the second house which is the house for intelligence. There is an exchange between Mercury and Moon. 

Whenever there is an exchange between planets, treat the planets to be in their own sign. Now Mercury will be treated to be conjunct with Venus and Moon due to the exchange of signs. Mercury, the planet of intelligence, and the conjunction of Moon with Venus in the second house from Saturn indicate an intelligent Arts Teacher. In the female chart, Venus represents the person and in the male chart, Jupiter represents the person according to the Nadi System of Astrology. Here the conjunction of Venus and Mercury is the bestower of intelligence on the native.

In a female chart, Mars is the husband. Mars is exalted and also conjunct with Rahu, a planet of amplification. Her husband is an egoistic short-tempered man. However, because Jupiter is in the 11th house from Mars, he is said to be a machine-related instructor. He is, in fact, an engineer.

Because Ketu was in the Southern Sign in transit and transits on natal Saturn at the beginning of 2005-06, she received the flaws of Ketu. As a result, she faced harassment in her profession. The transit of Ketu over the conjunction of Saturn, Mars, and Rahu caused harassment. During that time her relationship with her husband worsened.

The transit of Ketu over natal Saturn can indicate setbacks, ill reputation, and harassment in the profession.