Significations of 1st house

Astrology has been around for centuries and has been studied and practiced by many. The first house in astrology is one of the most important aspects to understand as it gives insight into the nature of the individual. However, 99% of astrologers miss out on some key points when it comes to understanding the first house.

The first house is the very top square in a diagram of the chart, and it represents the body, brain, face, and nature of the person. It also shows whether the person will achieve fame or success in life. The first house is also known as the house of profession and new beginnings.

One of the most significant things that astrologers miss about the first house is its association with longevity. While longevity is typically associated with the third and eighth houses, several classics also mention longevity in the first house. This is a crucial point that is often overlooked.

Another critical point that astrologers miss is the first house's association with fame and limbs. The greatest astrologers in the last 2000 years have emphasized this point. It also mentions the thoughts, worries, age, and habits of the person, which are all seen from the first house.

The first house is also associated with all the good and evil in a person's life. It is essential to assert this through the Lagna or the first house. The first house is also associated with the creation of cults and whether a person will become a cult figure.

Domestic help is typically associated with the sixth house, but the third house is also significant in this regard. This is yet another point that astrologers often miss.

Understanding the first house is crucial in providing insights into a person's life, and it is vital to study the classics and master what the predecessors and teachers have done. In astrology, just like in any other field of study, it is essential to go deeper to make informed decisions that will positively impact someone's life.

Untold Secrets

In Vedic astrology, the planets are considered to be living entities with their own unique personalities and characteristics. Each planet is associated with a specific set of qualities and influences, and these influences are believed to have a profound impact on human life and behavior.

The planets in Vedic astrology behave much like humans in similar situations. Therefore, in order to understand their influence on human affairs, it is essential to identify and understand their unique characteristics and personalities.

To do this, Vedic astrology uses a set of tools, including 12 zodiac signs, 12 houses, and 9 planets. Each of these tools has its own unique significance and is used to gain a deeper understanding of the planets and their influences.

For example, the avasthas, or states of being, of each planet can reveal important information about its nature and influence. There are five different avasthas, including mritavastha (dead state), jeevavastha (alive state), uchchavastha (exalted state), nichavastha (debilitated state), and muditavastha (happy state).

When a planet is in a happy state, it is said to be in a state of joy and contentment and is able to manifest its positive qualities more fully. Conversely, when a planet is in a dead state, it is said to be weakened and unable to express its true nature.

Another important factor in Vedic astrology is the placement of planets in specific houses. Each house is associated with a specific area of life, such as relationships, careers, or finances. The placement of planets in these houses can reveal important information about how they will influence these areas of life.

However, the placement of a planet in a specific house is not the only factor that determines its influence. Planetary aspects, or the way that planets interact with each other, can also have a significant impact on their influence.

For example, a planet in a friend's house may be considered to be in a positive position, but if it is receiving an aspect from an enemy planet, its influence may be weakened or distorted.

Overall, Vedic astrology offers a rich and complex system for understanding the unique personalities and influences of the planets. By using a combination of tools and techniques, astrologers are able to gain insight into human behavior and events and make predictions about the future based on the movement and position of celestial bodies.