Astrology is a complex and fascinating field, but with so many misconceptions and misunderstandings, it can be challenging to navigate. One of the most common areas of confusion is around the concepts of the Marak and Markesh planets. While many people know the slokas, understanding how these concepts manifest in reality is crucial. For instance, while the second lord is considered a Marak planet, that does not mean that the person will experience harm. Similarly, connecting the second and eighth lords does not automatically make the eighth lord a Markesh planet.

The same holds for the use of Dasha and Transit in astrology. Many people will suggest using them together, but few explain how to do it correctly. Currently, Saturn is in Aquarius, and Jupiter is in Pieces, moving into Aries soon. How can we use this transit while employing Dasha? The key is to understand the purpose of the MahaDasha Lord, wherever it may be sitting. Just like we go to different places for different purposes, planets have a specific agenda depending on where they are located.

To understand this better, we need to examine the different planets' qualities and characteristics. For instance, Moon prefers a religion that is easy and comfortable, while Saturn is drawn to a religion that involves sorrow, poverty, and hard work. Venus sees money as a form of religion, and for it, a spouse can teach you about religion or decide your faith. Rahu and Ketu will teach in their unique ways, while Mars believes that its body is its religion, and being healthy and able to help others is the ultimate goal.

Mercury is different from the other planets, as it represents Adharma or non-religion. It seeks new things in religion and may even try to start a new faith entirely. However, wherever Mercury is located in your chart, it will keep you busy and give you sorrow while pushing you to try new things. Jupiter, on the other hand, seeks freedom and philosophy, and a person with Jupiter in the lagna or seventh house may fall ill if they work too much.

Understanding these planetary qualities can help us use Dasha and Transit correctly. For example, when Jupiter is in the sixth house, it suggests following a daily routine, but having an advisor around may be helpful. However, it is essential to understand that you are hiring Jupiter, not Saturn, and they will only come for a day. Similarly, Mercury in Sagittarius may struggle with a lack of rules or regulations, while Mercury in Pisces is debilitated because it cannot understand how to arrange things properly.

It is crucial to remember that astrology is a deeply personal and individual experience. Just like the game where you choose words that define your future, your mental state influences how you interpret and understand the teachings of astrology. What works for one person may not work for another, and that is okay. The goal is to understand yourself better and use astrology as a tool to navigate life's complexities.