Retrogration of Planets

Retrograde planets, according to Mantreshwara of Phaladeepika, behave like exalted planets even though they are in their enemy sign. In his novel, he makes no distinction between benefic and malefic retrograde planets. It can be justified when a planet about to go retrograde is almost stagnant in motion, and the same is true when a planet is about to go straight in motion. Consider the following scenario: a kid on a swing. When the swing approaches its peak point, it remains almost still for a brief moment as it prepares to change direction.

The same holds true for planets when they become stagnant for a fleeting moment before reversing direction, i.e. becoming retrograde. There are several views on retrograde planets. According to Sri Malladi Mani, when Saturn goes retrograde in Libra or Aquarius, it brings good fortune to the native. Beneficial outcomes can be observed when retrograde Saturn aligns with the Sun in Aquarius. However, when evaluating the results and estimating the outcome, bear in mind that retrograde Saturn behaves similarly to Mars.

The results of retrograde planets in the annual charts or prashna chart

1. If a favourable retrograde planet is the lord of an auspicious house and has a relationship to the ascendant lord or the 10th lord, the native is likely to replicate some action.

2. If the same planet is malevolent, the repeating behaviour occurs, albeit with certain challenges or concerns.

3. The outcome of a benefic retrograde planet becomes unclear if it is the lord of the fifth or ninth house if any difficulties or impediments in the native's life during the transit if formed due to malefic combinations.

4. If a malevolent retrograde planet becomes the ruler of the 5th and 9th houses, the native's life events are cancelled due to numerous hurdles in his way.

The effects of the retrograde planet can be felt on the natives' wellbeing which can be detrimental at times. Beneficial planets in the quadrant houses, according to Sage Parasar, foster the native's wellbeing. However, a retrograde planet in such a position will be unable to do so. Some familiarity with retrograde planets suggests that even though a favourable ascendant lord is retrograde and set in the ascendant, it does not provide any extra immunity to the native by protecting him from diseases associated with that planet.

Dasha Antardasha of Retrograde Planets