To analyze the transit we must take into account three factors just as the hour hand, minute hand, or second hand. In the same way, there are three limbs for interpretation.

The first limb is the promise in the chart. Without the presence of the promise in the chart, you can never look into any other factors. Normally we see that in transit when Jupitar has come to the appropriate house in the horoscope, your marriage will take place. That's the way. 

Unless and until there is promise in the chart the event cannot occur and hence the question of marriage is not arising, the event would not take place if there is no promise therefore the first important factor in interpreting the chart is that if there are promises in the chart or not. So the first factor in any interpretation is to look into the promises (probabilities of the event).

How do we see the promises? When the promises would be fulfilled? The capacity of the native of the chart is very important because it is he who is going to achieve, it is he who is going to get it, therefore, when we look into it and if the lord of the Lagna is very strong you find he will be having the necessary capacity and also the courage to execute the work, therefore, if Lagna is very strong it gives enough potency to him. 

If the lord of Lagna is very strong then it enables him to get the execution done therefore Lagna and its lord of Lagna as well as the Ascendant must give you enough strength. Always check for what the Lagna is, for example, let's say, Lagna is Aries the lord of the Lagna is Mars so fiery signs are involved, if the fiery sign is very strong the native has got the energy to do things irrespective of the timing of event the native would do work.

Now, let's consider where the Lagna lord is posited let us say the lord of Lagna is in the fifth house which means this is posited in the trine and therefore, boosting the Lagna if it is in the Lagna or the fifth house or in the ninth house, it means it is supporting the Lagna the fifth bhava and ninth bhava are supporting the Lagna by nature these bhava is supported by the father or supported by the grandmother, therefore, three generations are involved. 

You learn from the previous generation and pass it on to the next generation, therefore the Lagna, the fifth bhava, and the ninth bhava are very important in life. In case you find the Lagna lord is gone to the fifth bhava that's why enough control over the progress of the native is there, now we should check with whom is it conjunct. 

The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury form Budh Aditya yoga, so what is the meaning of Budh Aditya yoga?

Suppose you see that your brain is sharp, it's not the question of accumulating letters it is the question of how fast I will be able to work. How soon I will be able to understand things that are the sharpness of the brain. Therefore sometimes, It is not the tube light (which flickers while starting) taking time to enlighten, it's a flash so, if anything is to be studied, the native would devote time. 

The native would ensure his doubts/questions are properly answered then understand the things and applies the mind and then come out with the answers that mean he will plan.

This is why the fifth house, without planning without executing work in the planned manner the native would never come out to be successful. If the lord of Lagna has gone to the fifth house that means the native would always find executing it by a particular plan executing with Idea, executing with the desire which is appealable.

So, if the 9th Lord, which is Jupiter, is also in the ninth house with the Lagna lord in the ninth aspecting Lagna the native will be strong which means he will be supported by his parents, and elders. So Jupiter again causes yoga when it is aspecting the Lagna lord as well as the Lagna which means the native is very knowledgeable.

Jupiter and Mercury are 2 limbs for knowledge acquisition If they are united with or associated with Lagna or Lagna lord the native will always enrich his knowledge in every moment of his life. No age matters for him, No Dashas will paralyze him, he will always keep studying through the difficult circumstances of his life and we will find that the native will have a good educational background.

Now, look into the 10th lord of this native if the 10th lord is in the second; the 10th lord is Saturn and 10H has got Rahu then he has to start things from scratch as well as the promises concern. He will have to go from the low level to the upper level, Moreover Saturn is also the 10th lord which means it causes a raj yoga, which means Saturn is (more) potential than Mercury as a result, and hence this native must go for service. 

Now, look from the moon's point of view who is the 10th lord of the moon?
That is in the Lagna of the native if Moon's Lagna is taken thereby it indicates a profession-oriented person. Whatever work he/she will do whether he does the work he will do it, in accordance with the mind. The mind is also powerful enough. 

It is away from Sun aspecting Lagna, therefore, the activities will always be in line you will never find him tired because the moon is aspecting Lagna, away from the sun with the result the native have got a body and mind that are powerful enough to work. Now look at all the planets are they comfortable in the places where they are located?

Because the dasha is going to interpret according to the position of the planet therefore you have to look for the next aspect we are going to see, how far the planets are, look at this. Is the moon comfortable there?

If Moon is in the nakshatra of Rahu and Rahu in the 10th therefore career must have some connection to Moon.

If Saturn, the 10th Lord, is in Mars Nakshatra, the results will be as per Mars i.e., the Lagna Lord, therefore, Mars and Saturn will create a better road for him. As a Lagna lord and 10th Lord, the 10th lord forms in raj yoga therefore if the person does Saturn-related work then, he will always be successful.

 Look at the significance of Saturn. Saturn is the servant. When Saturn is powerful your servant will be equally good for you. Now see if is Saturn aspected by any planets or not if not then even if the servants are allowed to be independent at home without anybody's concern definitely they will provide enough help to natives that's what you see.

Now, what is Mars?

Mars is co-born/siblings, apart from the lord of Lagna, and if that is with Sun and Mercury, then the second co-born of the native would be educated well because Mars is supported by Sun and Mercury.
You may ask me why, Mars is Lagna lord, placed with Sun and Mercury, why will it not (help him)? The placement of the Sun and Mercury in the fifth house represents the child as well as the 2nd co-born therefore in the Lagna it is posited to cause intelligence to that native. 

Who is related to this house? Of course, the children and hence when compared to the native, his children and co-born will be highly educated. From the prediction point of view any planet with Sun, if they are going to separate signs in Navamsha should not be treated as combust, they will function normally. The only difference is the closeness with which it is there Between 1st navamsha, 2nd Navamsha, 1st Navamsha to 4th navamsha, or 1st Navamsha to 9th Navamsha that differences and accordingly the degrees or intensity will vary.

But if it is away from Sun in Navamsha then it should not be deemed as combust Because (if) there is (the difference between Sun and Mercury) between one Navamsha and another Navamsha then it is sufficient for us.
If Lagna Lord is combust what happens?
Brightness is not there so he has to be satisfied with working for others. He does not have that much courage to do things on his own.

What is the interpretation of the Rahu-Ketu axis?

Whenever a planet is in the Rahu-Ketu axis you will always find you have got to make those losses, that's it. One can't escape from the difficulty, one may face on account of the planet that is in the Rahu-Ketu axis. Rahu-Ketu axis is in 4-10 therefore there may be some difficulties in comfort. If Rahu is in the 10th, he may have more than one profession or he may have changes in the profession, or he may move from one office to another office, The presence of Rahu will not allow him to stick to a chair (position) throughout his life. That is the 10th house, Rahu.

If Rahu is in the 2nd house then there would be fluctuations in wealth. Now Saturn is the 10th lord posited in 2nd house, it gives slowness of earning. The wealth will come slowly. The result is that the native has grown very slowly. Now Saturn being the 10th lord in 2nd house so he (native) has to earn it (wealth) through service. Saturn cannot represent the business. It represents service i.e., under somebody to work. So even if he has parental/family business he will be working for the business, not sitting on a chair that's how one should interpret. If Saturn is in a triangle therefore he cannot be in ordinary service.

What is Yog-Karaka? Lord of trine and quadrant. If Saturn is the Yog-Karaka, therefore, it (Saturn) is going to help him. Now, look at the pattern of Dasha. What was the dasha he got first?