Trines and Purusharth: The Four Pillars of Life

In Vedic astrology, trines are considered the residence of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance. They are the houses that bring stability and well-being to the individual. Trines from Lagna or Ascendant, for example, add prosperity to the Self. In fact, the four Purusharth, the four foundations of life, can also be associated with the trines in astrology.

  1. The first Purusharth is Dharma, which refers to one's life's responsibilities. The trines from the Ascendant reflect this. The first trine in Dharma trikona is the Ascendant, which represents the self. The second trine is the 5th house, which represents intelligence and enables us to pursue morality in life. The third trine is the 9th house, which depicts the Dharma itself and our Gurus, Teachers, and Father. It is said that a man's character, intellect, sense of justice, and correct advice from his Gurus determine if he practices Dharma, the first foundation of our life.
  2. The second Purusharth is Artha, which represents wealth and profession. The trines of the second house are known as Artha trikona, and they are in charge of all financial matters in our lives. The second house represents money, the sixth house represents service, and the tenth house represents one's profession and karma in society. The trines from the second house determine how an individual follows Artha Purusharth in his life. In other words, the strength of these trines can determine how successful an individual is in achieving financial stability and professional success.
  3. The Kama trikona is the third pillar (the trines of desire). The Kama trikona is ruled by the trines of the third house. The 3rd house represents firmness and patience, the 7th house represents partnerships in one's life, and the 11th house signifies achievements and progress. It is said that these trines determine the extent to which an individual is able to fulfill his or her desires.
  4. The Moksha trikona is the fourth pillar (the trines of liberation). Moksha trikona is represented by the trines from the fourth house. The 4th house reflects mental peace, the 8th house spiritual transformation, and the 12th house final emancipation. These trines are said to determine an individual's spiritual progress and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

The directional power or dig balas of planets in these trikonas decides the strength of various Purusharts that a person follows in his life. Planets in mutual trines support one another's development. Trikona Dasha can be used to analyze how one conducts his life in compliance with the four Purusharts. It is important to note that each individual's birth chart is unique, and the strength of these trines can vary from person to person.

In conclusion, trines are essential in Vedic astrology, as they represent the houses that bring stability and well-being to an individual's life. The four Purusharth, or the four foundations of life, can be associated with these trines. Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha represent one's life responsibilities, wealth and profession, desire, and spiritual progress and liberation, respectively. The strength of these trines can determine the extent to which an individual is able to fulfill these foundations of life. Understanding these concepts can help individuals live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.